Wednesday, February 12

Edibles and Drug Testing: What You Need to Know

As for cannabis consumption, one type has been especially popular in recent years – edibles – as they are unobtrusive and have a lasting effect. However, if you find yourself sitting in a cubicle waiting for the result of a drug test, knowledge about how long do edibles stay in your system will be vital. Unlike the case with smoking or vaping, many factors can affect the detection time of edibles depending on the way your body metabolizes them. 

Regardless if you do a drug test in your workplace soon or if you are interested in the effects of edibles on your body, you need to know the truth. Continue reading to learn about the duration of edibles in the system, the circumstances that may impact it, and the potential consequences of drug testing.

How Long Do Edibles Stay in Your System?

This brings up the popular question of how long do edibles stay in your system among users of cannabis products. Generally, edibles can be detected in your system for about 3 to 12 days but may require longer or shorter time as other aspects may influence. Edibles require the use of your gastrointestinal tract and liver and, therefore, reach your bloodstream, unlike inhaled cannabis. 

Besides, this process can help to delay the occurrence of effects and the time required for THC to leave the body. While considering a drug test, it is also worth knowing that consumption of THC from edibles can also remain in the urine test, blood test, as well as hair follicle test for a longer time than smoking.

Factors Influencing Detection Times

People with fast metabolism may metabolize and expel THC within a shorter time. Body fat percentage is another important factor, considering that THC is fat-soluble and can be retained in lipid depots. As for the effects, ingestion can have several differences from smoking, and the strength and amount of the edible also affect how long it will show up in a drug test. 

Also, frequency plays a crucial role; while one might get physically addicted to marijuana, frequent users will have THC in their system, and consequently, detection periods will increase in the case of drug tests. Knowledge of these conditions will enable one to predict the period that edibles will remain in the system.

Drug Testing and Edibles

When you want to pass a drug test, you should know how long do edibles stay in your system. Standard urine tests widely examine the presence of the metabolite of THC, which takes a long time to clear from your system after having the edible. The most prevalent are urine tests; THC metabolites can be identified with their help for 30 days under the conditions of intensive marijuana usage. 

Urine tests are the most popular, but blood tests are rare and can detect marijuana for up to a week; hair tests can even go back up to 90 days. 


Edibles are very different from other ways of consummation, but at the same time, they have their backside with drug testing. Knowledge of how long do edibles stay in your system, factors that affect duration, and the kind of tests that may be administered enable one to make the right choices. For any user who may be new to edibles or for a marijuana consumer who uses edibles constantly, it can help to be informed of such aspects to pass drug tests.

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